My current Drush Issue Queue workflow

For reviewing patches I try to use mostly

Get latest code base

git checkout 8.x
git pull

Take an issue from the Issue Queue

Use the issue id or the issue id#comment to get a particular patch #
drush iq-apply-patch 1938158

Reinstall Drupal and work on the patch

Do what you have to do make Drupal work (again). And test or run tests

Change the patch and create a new one

diff 8.x > ~/Downloads/two-word-#nid-#comment.patch



Trying to gra(s)p(h) Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\BackendChainImplementationUnitTest

GraphViz BlockStorageUnitTest

Trying to convert BlockStorageUnitTest to a real unit test. It seemed trival.

Drupal 8 Modules Graph

Below a graph generated from the module list of a Drupal 8 development site.

Views in Core - awesome UML route

Playing around with Drupal 8 together with Graph API and Graph I generated this UML through admin/config/system/graphapi/uml/Drupal\views\Plugin\Core\Entity\View ... it has some rough edges still.

Tell us what you think of this UML Diagram and your needs to have on site information.

Langcodes and plural forms

We all know Drupal and Symfony do have multilingual support (i18n, l10n, pluralization). But do they match? Or do they equally well? How does one test this? This is what I did. I wanted to add tests for Symfonfy's PluralizationRules as there were none and I wanted to have support for PluralForms loading Drupals *.po files clean and simple. How hard can it be?!? These tests should cover:
  1. Langcodes. Are all known language codes available (or easy to add)?
  2. Parsing Gettext PluralForm rules like

Symfony development from a Drupal perspective

While still working on D8MI Let Symfony Translation component handle language messages I needed to code for Symfony to on the Translation component. So how does that work writing and testing Symfony code?

Download Symfony

cd /tmp
git clone 
cd symfony

Dependency management

A pinch of Symfony for D8MI?
One of the goals of Drupal 8 Multilingual Inititive is to refactor Gettext file handling by a component. The first effort was Make gettext .po generation its own abstracted functionality by Gábor Hojtsy, Sutharsan, fubhy, sun and clemens.tolboom While I (clemens.tolboom) was working on that issue I skimmed over the Translation component delivered by Symfony to see whether we could match their architecture (why reinvent components?) or even take over their components.

Drush entity support (patch needs review)
Can you tell the field display weights of all your entities with one command? Or edit a node through the command-line?
drush --yaml entity-type-read node --fields=**/display/**/weight --include-fieldapi
drush entity-update node 12 --json
Watch the video on and get convinced you want to know more of these entity internals.

My two halves of The Definitve Guide to Drupal 7

Book cut into half
Yesterday I ordered The definitive Guide to Drupal from the dutch online site Awesome delivery. I have to read the monster 1047 pages but decided to cut it two pieces as that split version is allowed on my desk.