Drush entity support (patch needs review)

Can you tell the field display weights of all your entities with one command? Or edit a node through the command-line?
drush --yaml entity-type-read node --fields=**/display/**/weight --include-fieldapi
drush entity-update node 12 --json
Watch the video on http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cVGZzWjdDh8 and get convinced you want to know more of these entity internals. The patch is http://drupal.org/node/1005480 and I think it is a nice way to query Drupal for how your own entity settles in. At least I used entity-type-read when developing my entities. Below are all commands done in the video to test yourself. Or read the patch from helmo's sandbox Comments about how to make a better video are welcome here. For patch reviews ... well you know where to go :p
Drush Entity support ... patch #1005480
Visit http://drupal.org/node/1005480
What entities are there installed.
drush entity-type-read

How does user look
drush entity-type-read user

Shorter output ... --yaml
drush --yaml entity-type-read user

Unreadable short ... --json
drush --json entity-type-read user

Can I filter types ... --fields
drush --yaml entity-type-read node --fields=label

Can I query multiple entity types? ... sure
drush --yaml entity-type-read user node --fields=label,bundles/*/label

But I want all labels ... --fields=**/label
drush --yaml entity-type-read user node --fields=**/label

But what about the fields entites? ... --include-fieldapi
drush --yaml entity-type-read node --fields=**/label --include-fieldapi

What are the weights of the node displays ... **/display/**/weight
drush --yaml entity-type-read node --fields=**/display/**/weight --include-fieldapi

Give me all display weight (comment and node)

drush --yaml entity-type-read `drush entity-type-read` --fields=**/display/**/weight --include-fieldapi
json please ... --json
drush --json entity-type-read node --fields=**/display/**/weight --include-fieldapi

What controller classes do we have?
drush --yaml entity-type-read `drush entity-type-read` --fields="controller class"

Are there nodes? ... entity-read
drush entity-read node

Generate some please ... devel.module
drush --yes en devel_generate

drush genc 10 4

Show me your nids ... entity-read
drush entity-read node

What are the comment statistics?
drush entity-read node 2 5 10 --fields=title,comment_count --yaml

How about user 1
drush entity-read user 1

Comments ... please fix body index=0 bug
drush --yaml entity-read comment 1 2 --fields=subject,**/body_format/**/format

Now create some terms please ...
drush gent tags 10

TIDs please ...
drush entity-read taxonomy_term

List term 2
drush entity-read taxonomy_term 2 --fields=name,description --yaml

Update term 2
drush entity-update taxonomy_term 2

List term to proof edit
drush entity-read taxonomy_term 2 --fields=name,description --yaml

Delete term 2
drush entity-delete taxonomy_term 2

List term IDs
drush entity-read taxonomy_term

Delete multiple terms
drush entity-delete taxonomy_term 2 3 4 5

List remnants

drush --yaml entity-read taxonomy_term `drush entity-read taxonomy_term` --fields=name,description
Please test patch #1005480

Code by helmo, clemens.tolboom, msonnabaum
Video by clemens.tolboom
Tools: screenflow, bash
._-= The End =-_.
Visit http://drupal.org/node/1005480