Installing ubercart through drush pm and mm

It's quite neat using drush to install ubercart. Here is what I did.


  1. Install drupal 5.x
  2. Install your site/database
  3. download and install drush
  4. download and install update_status
  5. if you want to follow along install this patch for the module manager
  6. Enable the above modules. For a list see below.


  1. Fire up drush mm list. Here shown in full.
    php /home/clemens/www/sites/ubercart/sites/ubercart/modules/drush/drush.php --root=/home/clemens/www/sites/ubercart --uri=ubercart mm list

    This results in

    enabled: block color comment drush drush_mm drush_pm drush_pm_wget drush_sql filter help menu node system taxonomy update_status user watchdog
    disabled: aggregator blog blogapi book contact drupal drush_pm_cvs drush_tools forum legacy locale path ping poll profile search statistics throttle tracker upload

  2. Install ubercart
    drush pm install ubercart

    and see what is available
    drush mm list

    Note that there are missing modules:
    missing: googleanalytics tapir token ubrowser workflow_ng
    enabled: block color comment drush drush_mm drush_pm drush_pm_wget drush_sql filter help menu node system taxonomy update_status user watchdog
    disabled: aggregator blog blogapi book contact drupal drush_pm_cvs drush_tools forum legacy locale path ping poll profile search statistics throttle tracker upload
  3. Now use pm and mm together to resolve the missing modules. Some modules are part of a package. Hope to resolve this soon.
    drush pm install googleanalytics tapir token ubrowser workflow_ng

    and then check for missing modules. Missing is not always bad. It depends on what modules gets installed.
    drush mm list

    Note that googleanalytics is not installed by pm. That is because the project name is google_analytics!!!

So what do we have now?