Configuring ubercart
Submitted by clemens on Thu, 2008/02/28 - 2:01pm
So you want to have a shopping cart. With drush_mm it's a snap.
drush --verbose mm enable uc_cart
Using verbose output this shows
Given module names: 'uc_cart'
The following modules will be enabled: 'tapir, uc_store, token, workflow_ng, ubrowser, uc_order, uc_product, uc_cart'
Installing modules
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: tapir
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: uc_store
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: token
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: workflow_ng
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: ubrowser
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: uc_order
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: uc_product
Enabling (and mayby installing) module: uc_cart
Done! What is installed at the moment?
drush ubercart --verbose mm list
gives a clue. Note the --verbose
enabled: block (5.7) color (5.7) comment (5.7) drush () drush_mm () drush_pm () drush_pm_wget () drush_sql () filter (5.7) help (5.7) menu (5.7) node (5.7) system (5.7) tapir (5.x-1.5) taxonomy (5.7) token (5.x-1.10) ubrowser (5.x-1.3) uc_cart (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_order (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_product (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_store (5.x-1.0-beta6) update_status (5.x-2.2) user (5.7) watchdog (5.7) workflow_ng (5.x-2.0-beta1)
disabled: aggregator (5.7) blog (5.7) blogapi (5.7) book (5.7) cclinks (5.x-2.0-beta1) contact (5.7) drupal (5.7) drush_pm_cvs () drush_tools () forum (5.7) googleanalytics (5.x-1.4) legacy (5.7) locale (5.7) path (5.7) ping (5.7) poll (5.7) profile (5.7) search (5.7) states (5.x-2.0-beta1) statistics (5.7) test_gateway (5.x-1.0-beta6) throttle (5.7) tracker (5.7) uc_2checkout (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_attribute (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_authorizenet (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_cart_links (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_catalog (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_credit (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_cybersource (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_file (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_flatrate (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_googleanalytics (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_importer (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_notify (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_payment (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_payment_pack (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_paypal (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_product_kit (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_quote (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_recurring (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_repeater (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_reports (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_roles (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_shipping (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_stock (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_taxes (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_ups (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_usps (5.x-1.0-beta6) uc_weightquote (5.x-1.0-beta6) upload (5.7) workflow_ng_log (5.x-2.0-beta1) workflow_ng_ui (5.x-2.0-beta1)
I need the test gateway
drush mm enable test_gateway
Now continue with the ubercart user guide