Enable and configure modules
Submitted by clemens on Tue, 2009/06/23 - 12:15pm
cd sites/default
../all/modules/drush/drush --uri=drupaljam.demo mm enable adminrole advanced_help block color comment content content_copy date date_api date_timezone dblog devel_generate devel drupalforfirebug drupalforfirebug_preprocess drush_mm drush_sm event fieldgroup filter fivestar fivestar_comment flag help menu node nodequeue nodequeue_generate nodereference number og og_access og_actions og_views og_vocab optionwidgets path pathauto rules rules_admin rules_scheduler smartqueue smartqueue_og system taxonomy text timeline token token_actions trigger update upload user userreference views views_export views_ui votingapi wysiwyg
- Visit your site again.
- Rebuild the node access table
- Set your timezone
- Set og group node types
- create a new node type 'group' and set it as the og group node.
- Assign story as a wiki group post
- Assign event as a normal group post
- Follow the wysiwyg guidelines to get your favorite editor in place.