A node as an editable block
Submitted by clemens on Mon, 2008/02/25 - 4:57pm
I want to create a edit node into a block with ajax submit.
I wanted to try panels 2 minipanel with a node%/edit override together. But some hour later ... nothing found yet.
This raw view may be handy: http://drupal.org/node/48816
But why not using some php? Below is a raw version
[highlightjs_code] global $user; $sql = "select nid from {node} where uid == %d"; $result = db_query( db_rewrite_sql( $sql), $user->uid); $row = db_fetch_array( $result); if( isset( $row) && isset( $row['nid']){ $node = node_load( 30); print drupal_get_form($node->type .'_node_form', $node); }