Drupal 8 Modules Graph

Below a graph generated from the module list of a Drupal 8 development site.

fixing drupal info files on php 5.3


Trying some Drupal 5 sites for upgrade script development on desktop PHP 5.3 I ran on *.info files causing annoyances.

Using ctools modal forms for node edit

For a drupal 6 site I needed a node edit overlay. This is what I did.

Define the urls ajax/node/%node/edit and nojs/node/%node/edit. The idea is to use path similar to the normal drupal paths just prepended with what ctools modal needs. It needs are minor in that the url path must contain a string nojs and in this case a class attribute ctools-use-modal.

function annotate_ym_menu() {
$items['nojs/node/%node/%'] = array(
'page callback' => 'annotate_ym_ajax_node',
'page arguments' => array(0, 2, 3),

Who is currently online

I want to run svn up on the site but I need to offline it first. So who is online?

SELECT name, mail, (unix_timestamp()-access)/3600 AS hours
  FROM users
  HAVING hours < 1
  ORDER BY access;

Or for short

drush sql-query "select name, mail, (unix_timestamp()-access)/3600 as hours from users having hours < 1 order by access;"

Updating drupal core

I never tried to do an core update on the command line. Today I tried it.

Get the latest drupal version

drush dl

Check your download


Checkout svn drupal-6-core

svn --username=build2be chechout http(s)://my-svn/drupal-6-core/trunk/

Step into drupal version to update

cd trunk/www

Apply the patch

diff -ru ./ ../../drupal-6.x/ | patch -p0

Is this all?

From _en_ into a translatable _en_

On a multi language site it is desirable to translate the drupal English into the customers Englich likings.

Steps taken

  1. Goto /admin/settings/language/add
    1. Add a custom languages with language prefix en, name en-ours, english English @ Our place and native English @ Our Place
    2. Make your new language the default.
    3. Disable drupal's en
    4. Change the name en-ours into en

Drupal site forensics

What tools do we have for a forensic research of a Drupal site. This question popped into my head after seeing a request on the consulting mailing list.

My naive approach is

wget -r -l 1 example.com

This way we get a one link level deep site of which we can grep the modules used on these pages. Then grep -r -h "modules" | sort -u gives a nice idea of the modules used.

But this beauty gives us the full file names.

grep -h -r -o "[[:alnum:]\/]*modules[[:alnum:]\.\/]*" * | sort -u | xargs -I {} echo {}

free form: