Create alias when tired of opening customer site in particular browser

For this to work you need to have your Drush aliasses configured

You also need the path to your Browser app.

alias customer_test_dir='cd path-to/customer_dir'
alias customer_test='customertest_dir ; open -a /Applications/ `drush @tst uli --no-browser`'

Migrate plugins

cd web/code/
# source
find . -type d -name "migrate" | ack -v -i test | xargs -I {} find {}/source -name '*.php' 2>/dev/null | wc -l
# destination
find . -type d -name "migrate" | ack -v -i test | xargs -I {} find {}/destination -name '*.php' 2>/dev/null | wc -l
# process
find . -type d -name "migrate" | ack -v -i test | xargs -I {} find {}/process -name '*.php' 2>/dev/null | wc -l
# all ?!?
core clemens$ find . -type d -name "migrate" | ack -v -i test | xargs -I {} find {} -name '*.php' 2>/dev/null | wc -l

Contributing to Drupal

This is a quick sketch / preparation for a particular 'Contributing to Drupal' 2 hours event.


To get started you may begin on Organizing sprints (work parties) and its sub pages. Don't bother to much about the term Sprint. We assume you want to focus together on something useful.

Check your coding style on Drupal 8

Coding style?

Building software is a complex and sometimes tedious process in which you make errors and mistakes. Testing for errors is mostly done by running your website / code through tests either manually or automatically.

Checking for your code style like formatting and documentation flaws you can use a code sniffer. For PHP you can run phpcs using PHP_CodeSniffer.

Drupal core provides core/phpcs.xml.dist to tell phpcs what to test for.

My sync2dev script on Mac

# Sync database
# Fix before receiving files
# Get the files
# Fix after receiving
# Drupal 7 variant of cache-rebuild
# Login to site
# Make sure drush finds the features drush extension
# List features with changes

Ajax nukes reference based form fields

Having nodes using fields for referencing content like og, entity reference, node reference, etc breaks apart when using ie file upload widget which produces

An illegal choice has been detected

Some of the issues below made progress.

Drupal core


yUML as a service

With the online service one can draw some UML Diagrams. Wouldn't it be great to build that into Drupal? Checkout the new yUML module.

fetch json and pretty print


While working on Deploy RestWS for D7 project issue JSON I needed a pretty print for the node.json and scanner done for Drush Issue Queue Commands Fix for the new json structure on d.o D7. Both issues as still open so help needed.

Doing some research I learned about the PHP context or more specific the HTTP stream context

Knock knock who is calling

Knock knock

Who is calling my function so many times? With devel module and some probing using debug_backtrace and a nifty by ref variable it's a snap.

Do we need git squash and thus forced pushes?

Weird unnatural bug

As a followup on A pinch of Symfony for D8MI? why do we need to squash?

After some more squash and push -f attempts regarding pull request for Symfony I get the hang of it.

But chx said in squash is bad as we loose history on the development process.

So how should we do this on d.o when git phase 3 lands? Those discussion seems to got to a halt.