Commit changes immediately to git using Rust

Having a trail of your coding flow can be handy or will explain the longing question about 'what was i thinking' when resolving problems of

Warning: this script needs Rust (unfortunately) installed

Working on a Drupal module using composer

Altering Drupals composer.json to fetch a particular Drupal module git checkout.

Create an empty pristine branch in your git repo

In need for a new empty branch for restarting an idea I need a empty branch

git checkout --orphan NEWBRANCH
git rm -rf .

don't do the commands in reverse order. don't forget the rm -rf command either.


A Drupal 8 git bisect exercise

Having a Drupal 8 site under development with a customer aware of the risk of loosing data I took the risk of fixing a broken Drupal 8 site. Today I did an code update and got the following welcome screen on
If you have just changed code (for example deployed a new module or moved an existing one) read
Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.

Do we need git squash and thus forced pushes?

Weird unnatural bug

As a followup on A pinch of Symfony for D8MI? why do we need to squash?

After some more squash and push -f attempts regarding pull request for Symfony I get the hang of it.

But chx said in squash is bad as we loose history on the development process.

So how should we do this on d.o when git phase 3 lands? Those discussion seems to got to a halt.

Git issue branch ... the sandbox route

I'm working on a patch to implement issue triage for Dreditor

But for ease of use and teasing in testers git issue branches would be great which are underways.

So in the mean time I use a sandbox for this. But how to get dreditor code into my repo?

  1. First create a sandbox on d.o. This gives to access to a new git repo.
  2. Ignore the initial git instructions
  3. Clone dreditor according the git instructions

    git clone