Extending a Widget for numeric fields.

range versus number field
Looking for a HTML range field in Drupal 8 core I did not found one. First I tried to alter Number Widget but that was wrong. Just extend a suitable widget. The code is very short. But the display is not as good as one needs. Where is the min and max value? And the current value? The specs @ w3c html5 forms input range has some user agent rendering which does not give min, max or current value hints.

number field.

It's alive in space

Part of the dependency graph
Experimenting with the index file of https://github.com/clemens-tolboom/uml-generator-php lead to a nice animation.

Interested in ReST and HAL?

  1. Checkout the issue queue for HAL and ReST.
  2. Use the quickstart tool: https://github.com/build2be/drupal-rest-test.

Need HAL?

  1. Install HAL Browser on your site to see what we got till now.
  2. cd drupal-root

Beheaded on behat

As my behavior is not driven by skills I jump into Behat or Behavior Driven Development or BDD for short to BDD Drupal 8. Installing Behat is a no brainer as written down on http://behat.org/ home page. But what if one needs extensions. That is a little asking for trouble as both Behat 2 and Behat 3 exists.

WordPress command line

This diagram is using http://yuml.me and http://drupal.org/project/yuml showing some WordPress command-line using [wp-cli](http://wp-cli.org) .

Installing a site

Upgrade a site


yUML as a service

With the online service http://yuml.me one can draw some UML Diagrams. Wouldn't it be great to build that into Drupal? Checkout the new yUML module.

fetch json and pretty print


While working on Deploy RestWS for D7 project issue JSON I needed a pretty print for the node.json and scanner done for Drush Issue Queue Commands Fix for the new json structure on d.o D7. Both issues as still open so help needed.

Doing some research I learned about the PHP context or more specific the HTTP stream context

At your Service Container


As we all know Drupal 8 has lots of new stuff. One of these items is based on Dependency Injection and result in a new file stored at sites/defaults/files/php/service_container/service_container_prod.php/e7000f005xxx.php and created very early during the bootstrap of Drupal. But what is it's contents?

Knock knock who is calling

Knock knock

Who is calling my function so many times? With devel module and some probing using debug_backtrace and a nifty by ref variable it's a snap.

Just a trivial graph

A trivial graph
From a meeting we discussed the git workflow and I was curious what Graph API would do with it's Trivial Graph Format.