Is Drupal a swamped bazar?

Drupal 8 is is code and feature wise an awesome new kid on the block. A few people did a lot of coding. But can do a lot people little? In this blog I hope to get one change into the issue queue and that's getting rid of the needs tests kitten killer.

Convert D7 input filter into D8 plugin for Graph API

Trivial Graph Format for Graph API
Morphing Graph APIs Drupal 7 input filter 'Trivial Graph Format' aka hook_filter_info into a Drupal 8 plugin.

Can you dig it. Drupal nested array that is.

Spade Large

I sometime need to check arrays for their values dispersed around. Just dumping the array is OK when interested in a particular key or value. But what about those big info arrays from hook_token_info, hook_menu etc. This is what I did.

Routing discovery by Graph API

Image of _permission related to system module
How does the permission structure looks like for system.module? For this to visualize one needs to process system.routing.yml and

Service discovery by Graph API

With Drupal 8 a lot is configured instead of programmed. So the key is to find out how it comes together. Graph API helps rendering these configurations.

A Drupal 8 git bisect exercise

Having a Drupal 8 site under development with a customer aware of the risk of loosing data I took the risk of fixing a broken Drupal 8 site. Today I did an code update and got the following welcome screen on
If you have just changed code (for example deployed a new module or moved an existing one) read
Additional uncaught exception thrown while handling exception.

Do we need git squash and thus forced pushes?

Weird unnatural bug

As a followup on A pinch of Symfony for D8MI? why do we need to squash?

After some more squash and push -f attempts regarding pull request for Symfony I get the hang of it.

But chx said in squash is bad as we loose history on the development process.

So how should we do this on d.o when git phase 3 lands? Those discussion seems to got to a halt.


Right click the SVG below and select 'This Frame'

My current Drush Issue Queue workflow

For reviewing patches I try to use mostly

Get latest code base

git checkout 8.x
git pull

Take an issue from the Issue Queue

Use the issue id or the issue id#comment to get a particular patch #
drush iq-apply-patch 1938158

Reinstall Drupal and work on the patch

Do what you have to do make Drupal work (again). And test or run tests

Change the patch and create a new one

diff 8.x > ~/Downloads/two-word-#nid-#comment.patch



Trying to gra(s)p(h) Drupal\Tests\Core\Cache\BackendChainImplementationUnitTest